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The American Dog Magazine and
PAWS Chicago will receive 100% of the profits. The winter issue of The American Dog Magazine is a collector's edition with President Barack Obama on the cover holding "Baby" a puppy mill rescue dog. Please subscribe by February 20th, 2009 to ensure you will receive this issue with President Obama on the cover. PAWS Chicago has formed a partnership with The American Dog Magazine where they will donate 100% of the subscription profits to our organization for every member who subscribes online for a one-year subscription ($20) and we will receive 100% of the profits for every subscriber! The American Dog Magazine is committed to making a difference by donating 100% of their profits to the non-profit animal welfare rganizations who are in a position to make a huge difference in the spaying and neutering of pets which will help end the euthanasia of pets in our nations shelters and promoting adoption and rescue of animals.By teaming up with the animal welfare organizations and donating 100% of their profits from the magazine subscriptions will help enable PAWS Chicago to continue the fight for justice, rescue and adoption for all animals! It's important to TheAmerican Dog Magazine to give back to the animal community, focus on the needs of others and make a huge difference in saving the lives of animals. Please help PAWS Chicago save lives while subscribing to The American Dog Magazine today! Click the link below to subscribe. In the first box "animal charity special code" please type in PAWS Chicago